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vanity fair造句

"vanity fair"是什么意思  
  • Our friend george was in the full career of the pleasures of vanity fair .
  • By heavens it is pitiful, the bootless love of women for children in vanity fair .
  • To watch the behavior of a fine lady to other and humbler women is a very good sport for a philosophical frequenter of vanity fair .
  • Why should we contest for this vanity fair
  • The inconsistencies of the implied author in quot; vanity fair quot
  • There ' s no way prohibition can last . - i read an article in vanity fair
  • - there ' s no way prohibition can last . - i read an article in vanity fair
  • The narrative strategy of vanity fair
  • Beckhams have hit vanity fair magazine ' s list of the best dressed people in the world
    小贝夫妇荣登《名利场》杂志的全球“最佳穿着排行榜” 。
  • The first pictures of the baby girl were published in last month s edition of vanity fair
  • It's difficult to see vanity fair in a sentence. 用vanity fair造句挺难的
  • Fashion magazine vanity fair has compiled its annual list of the world ' s best - dressed people
  • Vanity fair , a revived magazine , went back and forth between celebrating the nouveaux riches and poking fun at them
  • Vanity fair , a revived magazine , went back and forth between celebrating the nouveaux riches and poking fun at them
  • Explaining why mr and mrs beckham are on the list , the vanity fair says : " because the whole is greater than the sum of the parts .
    《名利场》在解释为什么小贝夫妇能登上此榜时说: “因为两人的整体效果比单个人要好。 ”
  • My dream is to be a highly fulfilled and productive stay - at - home mom and wife , roberts says in an interview with vanity fair magazine
    罗伯茨在接受《名利场》杂志的访谈时说: “我的梦想就是做个称职、有创造力的家庭主妇。
  • Explaining why mr and mrs beckham are on the list , the vanity fair says : " because the whole is greater than the sum of the parts .
    《名利场》杂志在解释为什么小贝夫妇能登上此榜时说: “因为两人的整体效果比单个人要好。 ”
  • In an interview to be published in the december issue of vanity fair , eminem said he could live without his huge fame
  • But while pitt , 42 , signed a legal release when the photograph was taken , he was oblivious they would end up on vanity fair ' s cover more than a year later
  • P52 - p53 、 life is being continued , the increase in gdp is being continued , the ideal and desire succeeding are being continued , vanity fair is continueing
    有人能看透,有人能退出。生活在继续, gdp增长在继续,理想和成功的欲望在继续,名利场在继续。
  • Hollywood superstar brad pitt ' s representatives vanity fair magazine after it splashed semi - naked photos of the actor on the cover of its december issue
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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